I am writing every day. Some days I work on my poetry only, other days I work on my story only, but most days I work on both. I have gotten several pieces of poetry started, but none finished. I can’t seem to finish them. It is rater annoying. I have a friend helping me out with one of them and if she doesn’t mind I may have her help me on others. I think if she helps me on one then I want her to help me on five so that I can send them in together for publication. Usually magazines and other publications accept between 3 and 5 poems from us so it would be nice to send in a group of them instead of just one at a time.
The book I am working on has kind of stalled. I am thinking of asking a good friend if he wants to co-author it with me. I enjoy working with others on my writing. It is enjoyable and gives us all something to talk about. It is a sci-fi piece that I have sketched out completely. I just need help writing it. I am sure I co0uld write it on my own, I just think it would be more fun if this friend helped me with it.
My life is wonderful right now, if not a little confusing. My wife is extremely understanding. And she knows I love her, just I don’t think she knows how much, but she will someday and that is all that matters. My daughter still isn’t walking on her own, but it’s not a big deal as she just turned one a little over two weeks ago. She is way ahead in other areas though. She has a huge vocabulary for a one year old. The doctor said she was lo0oking for between three to five words. She has something like thirty words in her vocab and she stings words together, it is nice. The bad thing about my daughter is that we can already see her temper coming through. She is a redhead through and through. We can visualize the temper tantrums already. My wife and I were talking and determined that she was probably going to be the type of child that hold their breath until she passes out or gets her way. Not fun, but it comes with being a parent. I didn’t get to experience any of this with my five year old. His mother experienced it all. I wasn’t much of a father, but I am trying to change that, I just hope it isn’t too late.
Personally, my medications are back on track. I had a little scare there for a bit when they switched my meds, but I am alright now. Everything is back to being leveled out. I am now on eleven different meds for a total of eighteen pills a day. Not too bad. Better than it could be.
Until next time,
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